Marius Fabre Book - "Savon de Marseille. L’aventure Marius Fabre" - Edition Hachette (Pack of 1)

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EAN: 9782812320538

On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the Marius Fabre soap factory, the Editions of "Chêne" published this book retracing the history of the Fabre family and the Marseille soap in Salon-de-Provence: "Savon de Marseille, l'aventure Marius Fabre".

A real behind the scenes story of the soap factory punctuated by anecdotes, pictures and historical documents.

Bilingual French / English 


A book published in this particular year to highlight the tenacity of the Marius Fabre family soap factory and the traditional manufacture of an exceptional product: Marseille soap.


  • Marius Fabre
  • Books
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